Cultural Assessment Assignment

Cultural Assessment Assignment

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View a movie of your choice from the list below. While watching the movie, assess the movie family’s characteristics and behaviors relative to the assessment criteria discussed in the class notes and textbook readings. Address each criterion including specific examples from the movie to validate your analysis. You must use references (textbook, class notes, others) and these must be cited throughout your paper. Submit your analysis in this document, typed using APA format. Limit is three (3) content pages.       

Choose one of these movies:

Hotel Rowanda                       Under the Same Moon            Home for the Holidays

Moonstruck                             Selena                                     Bend It Like Beckham

Crash                                      Snow Falling on Cedars         Australia

The Help                                 The Butler                              



  • Explore cultural differences among families.


Cultural Assessment Expert

35 points max


At least 26 points


Less than 26 points


(6 points)

Introduction is present and forecasts content of the paper.

(5-6 points)

Introduction is present and forecasts content of paper.

(3-4 points)

Sketchy introduction is present  or introduction is missing

(0-2 point)

Description of Movie Family

(9 points)

Comprehensive description

of family, including setting and

context of story

(8-9 points)

General description

of family, including setting

and context of story

(5-7 points)

Incomplete description of family, setting, and/or context of story

(0-4 point)

Family Processes

(25 points)









Complete and accurate assessment of the family’s culture and ethnic traits and how these influence the following:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environmental
  • Communication
  • Power/decision making
  • Roles

(24-25 points)

Complete description of 4 of these processes and general description of 1:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environmental
  • Communication
  • Power/decision making
  • Roles

(13-23 points)

General description of at least 2 processes and complete description of up to 3:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environmental
  • Communication
  • Power/decision making
  • Roles

(0-12 points)


(9 points)



Socialization & Child Rearing

(9 points)



Healthcare Beliefs and Practices

(9 points)




(9 points)


·         Clearly describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie. (8-9 points)

·         Clearly describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.

(8-9 points)

·         Clearly depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.

(8-9 points)

·         Clearly shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations and stress.

(8-9 points)

·         Adequately describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie. (6-7 points)

·         Adequately describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.  (6-7 points)

·        Adequately depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.

(6-7 points)

·         Adequately shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations and stress.

(6-7 points)

·         Inadequately describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie. (0-5 point)

·         Inadequately describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing. (0-5 point)

·         Inadequately depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family. (0-5 point)

·         Inadequately shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations and stress. (0-5point)

Assessment of Development  or

Functional Competency1

(6 points)

Comprehensive assessment of the family’s level of development or functional competency1 (Severely Disturbed,  Borderline, Mid-range, Adequate, or Optimal)

(5-6 points)

Adequate assessment of the family’s level of development or functional competency1.

(3-4 point)

Inadequate assessment of the family’s level of development or functional competency1.

(0-2 points)



(6 points)

Includes summary and conclusions

(5-6 points)

Includes summary and conclusions

(3-4 points)

Missing summary and/or conclusions

(0-2 points)

Format  and Quality of Writing

(12 points)

Error-free or almost error-free grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA format, and length is within guidelines

(11-12 points)

Generally error-free grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA format, and length is within guidelines

(6-10 points)

Error-filled grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or APA format, and/or length not within guidelines.

(0-5 point)

¹ Use the Beavers Systems Model for this overall determination of the family’s level of development or functional competency.



Review the Rubric to guide your work on the Cultural Assessment, using appropriate subheadings in your work. Type into the text spaces provided.

Your page count begins on the next page


Description of Movie Family

Assessment of Culture and Ethnic Traits

Assessment of Development or Functional Competenc


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