Childhood Obesity Essay Cause and Effects Example

Childhood Obesity Essay Cause and Effects Example
Childhood Obesity has been a huge issue in America for many years, but over the last 30 years Childhood Obesity has doubled and quadrupled becoming a more serious problem and making adults open their eyes. In 2010 schools started to make a difference in the school nutrition after Michelle Obama’s HHFKA law, which provides a strict sodium diet and includes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. But the real question here is does Michelle Obama’s law make a difference to decrease childhood obesity.

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While some might think that the new school nutrition change has made a difference in the student’s diet and has helped with obesity others will disagree. The school nutrition change could finally give a chance for those students who eat healthier to do so with the school lunches now available. For the students who don’t have such a healthy diet will throw away the lunches provided and turn to fast food restaurants down the street or to the snack lines which include snacks such as brownies, chips, and cookies.

Since there is such a difference in the school nutrition starting with cutting down on the sodium intake and switching it out for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables which makes it a healthier and better option. If the student properly picks out the recommended amount of each food group instead of eating unhealthier options the student is bound to lose some weight from fat and gain a healthier lifestyle because after all the students diet has changed from a hamburger and tater tots to grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, and an apple as well.

On the other side, while​ ​the​ ​change​ ​does​ ​give​ ​the​ ​students​ ​who​ ​already​ ​eat​ ​healthy​ ​better​ ​options​ ​to​ ​choose​ ​from doesn’t​ ​necessarily​ ​mean​ ​that​ ​all​ ​of​ ​the​ ​students​ ​will​ ​take​ ​advantage​ ​of​ ​the​ ​HHFKA​ ​law.​ ​“School nutritionists​ ​are​ ​urging​ ​a​ ​strict​ ​sodium​ ​and​ ​whole-grain​ ​rules​ ​be​ ​rolled​ ​back,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​the​ ​requirement that​ ​kids​ ​must​ ​take​ ​either​ ​a​ ​fruit​ ​or​ ​a​ ​vegetable​ ​with​ ​their​ ​lunch.​ ​These​ ​rules​ ​have​ ​led​ ​to​ ​a​ ​huge​ ​uptick​ ​in food​ ​waste,​ ​as​ ​kids​ ​simply​ ​throw​ ​the​ ​items​ ​they​ ​don’t​ ​like​ ​in​ ​the​ ​trash.”​” Michelle Obama’s ‘Healthy’ School Lunches.” National Review Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2016. ​ Most​ ​of​ ​the​ ​students​ ​won’t​ ​even​ ​eat​ ​the​ ​healthier​ ​options​ ​given to​ ​them,​ ​just​ ​throwing​ ​them​ ​away,​ ​which​ ​is​ ​wasting​ ​not​ ​only​ ​schools​ ​money​ ​but​ ​also​ ​the​ ​parents​ ​of​ ​the students​ ​money. When that happens the students will turn to unhealthy food to compensate for the healthy food provided that was thrown away.

If the student were to have a balance in their diet incorporating not so healthy food with a healthier food option for example if the student eats a hamburger but instead of getting tater tots for the side the student should swap them out for a fresh fruit salad. By doing so your body will receive the nutrients it needs to function correctly, but also being able to enjoy the foods the student loves. Krans, Brian. “Balanced Diet.” Healthline. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2016.

It’s clear what the solution is for this problem, a balanced diet. A balanced diet is a not a crash diet, it is a way of eating all of the right nutrients your body needs in order to be healthy. “Balanced Diet.” Balanced Diet Nutritionist. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2016. If the student were to have a balanced diet they would get the fruits and vegetables needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle will increase the students energy and life as well. This drastic change will not only affect the student’s diet change it will also improve the student’s grades since it is proven that the brain functions better when it is feed with the proper nutrients instead of fatty greasy foods. Sorgen, Carol. “Best Brain Foods for Brain Function, Health, and Memory.”WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 12 July 2016. A balanced diet will lead students to a better and healthier life.

Tags: obesity, child, kid, obesity papers

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