BSN4017 All Discussions Latest 2017 March
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Get Help Now!BSN4017 Unit 1 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
Structure and Culture of Groups and Teams
Describe a team in which you are or have been involved. The team should be a workplace team in which nurses are members. What made this team successful? What hurdles did the team overcome to complete its tasks?
In your discussion, consider the following:
Why did this team form? What was its purpose?
How did nursing interact with team members from other disciplines, if any were on the team? Consider the attributes listed in the Miers and Pollard article.
What type of leadership was in place?
How did the team make decisions?
How did the team members collaborate with each other? Give an example.
What are some examples of how the team built on each other’s strengths?
How did it feel to be a part of this team?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least two references other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two by providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
BSN4017 Unit 2 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
Team Norms
Levi (2017) described the four main functions of group norms (p. 53):
Express central values to support team identity building.
Coordinate team activities.
Define appropriate team behavior.
Create a unique group identity.
Consider a team in which you have been a member.
Describe the goals of the group and summarize the norms that defined the group.
Identify group norms that supported effective group function and group norms that may have stifled creative expression or created unnecessary conformity.
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one scholarly reference about the impact of group norms on team functioning. The reference should be in addition to your required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
Levi, D. (2017). Group dynamics for teams (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
BSN4017 Unit 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March
dq 1
Riverbend City Debrief
Before you respond to this discussion, make sure you have completed the Riverbend City mission for this unit. See the Studies section of the unit to access the mission.
After you have completed the Riverbend City mission, discuss the following:
Which nurses are having the most difficulty integrating into the team? What evidence do you have?
What communication strategies is the charge nurse using to build the team?
What is an effective way to support behavior change (in a problem team member)?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 300 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one reference other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
dq 2
Riverbend City Debrief
Before you respond to this discussion, make sure you have completed the Riverbend City mission for this unit. See the Studies section of the unit to access the mission.
After you have completed the Riverbend City mission, discuss the following:
Which nurses are having the most difficulty integrating into the team? What evidence do you have?
What communication strategies is the charge nurse using to build the team?
What is an effective way to support behavior change (in a problem team member)?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 300 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one reference other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
BSN4017 Unit 4 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
Promoting Effective Communication Within Collaborative Groups
Propp et al. (2010) identified two critical processes in nurse–team communications, which may enhance patient outcomes. In one process, promoting team synergy, the authors identified nine practices.
Think of a time when you were involved in building team synergy. Consider the following in your discussion:
What was happening at the time?
Which of the nine practices did you exhibit?
Were there other things you did to support teamwork?
How did you know your efforts were successful?
Would you have done anything differently, looking back?
What are the benefits of a team working together?
When (if ever) is conflict within a team productive?
What factors can contribute to role confusion and conflict among health care professionals?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least two references other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
Propp, K. M., Apker, J., Zabava Ford, W. S., Wallace, N., Serbenski, M., & Hofmeister, N. (2010). Meeting the complex needs of the health care team: Identification of nurse–team communication practices perceived to enhance patient outcomes. Qualitative Health Research, 20(1), 15–28.\
BSN4017 Unit 5 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
Building and Sustaining Virtual Groups or Teams
For this discussion, consider how to build and sustain virtual groups or teams.
What online nursing forums do you currently use, and how do you use them?
What are the benefits and limitations of using an online nursing forum?
How does your current organization use its own Web site, Facebook page, YouTube page, or other social media?
What legal or ethical concerns could result from the use of social media?
What does your Board of Nursing say about the use of social media for registered nurses?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one reference other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
BSN4017 Unit 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March
dq 1
Cohesion, Inclusion, and Identity
Diversity may be exhibited in many forms: ethnic, cultural, style of learning, or methods of organizing. In your course text, Levi addresses the role of individualism and collectivism. Complete the survey on pages 298–300 of the text.
In your discussion:
Address where you fall on the continuum of individualism and collectivism. Why is this an important concept in terms of teamwork?
Describe your experience working with an individual (or team) in which the person’s preference would fall on the opposite end of the continuum from you. For example, you might be more inclined toward individualism, and the other person might more inclined toward collectivism. How did you work effectively with this person? If you did not, what were the challenges?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least two references other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
dq 2
Interprofessional Teams: Ethics and the Law
After reading the Robichaux article found in this unit’s first study, answer the following while considering an experience you have had (or might come across) when working with an interprofessional team:
Identify your experience and discuss a real or potential ethical and legal aspect of the case which involved working collaboratively with health care professionals who were not nurses.
Provide strategies that might have changed the outcome. Use Rest’s Four Component Model.
Identify legal aspects that should have been considered in this situation.
BSN4017 Unit 7 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
When Professional Cultures Clash
Professional cultures have been identified as potential barriers to effective collaboration. Levi discussed the role of power in conflict development and management.
Consider a time when you or a colleague experienced a clash of cultures with a professional from another health care discipline. Consider “culture” in its broadest definition, to include age, gender, ethnicity, generation, values, and so forth. In your post:
Describe the situation in which conflict occurred.
Reflect on the professional preparation of the two individuals. What aspects of their professional roles contributed to the conflict?
Discuss how power played a role in the conflict.
Identify if bullying (also known as incivility or horizontal violence) was involved.
Describe how the opposition turned into collaboration.
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least one reference other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
Levi, D. (2017). Group dynamics for teams (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
BSN4017 Unit 8 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March
dq 1
Cross Checking as an Element of Team Process
For this discussion, refer to the “Silence Kills” and “Healthy Work Environment Assessment” resources linked in this unit. Thinking about your role as a leader or future leader in health care and considering your personal experiences with a supervisor or manager, consider the following:
What issues or shortcuts are the most difficult to address with a colleague?
What are some professional ways to communicate difficult topics such as tardiness, medication errors, or incivility?
What makes people defensive about feedback?
What steps would you take to improve communication with somebody you supervise to reduce challenges and defensiveness?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least two references other than the required reading.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
dq 2
Membership on Teams
In health care, we are often responsible for a unit or department. Leadership in these areas typically requires us to work in teams. For this discussion, consider how others have led teams you were a member of and how decisions and actions ultimately impacted patient safety.
What leadership skills are most important for leading successful teams?
What kind of team leader are you?
How do leaders in your own organization build and maintain trust?
BSN4017 Unit 9 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March
Authentic Leaders and Effective Teams
In your discussion, address the following:
Which leadership qualities do you feel are most important and why?
Share an example from your experience with an effective or inspiring leader.
Share an example of an ineffective leader.
What blend of leading and following make for the most effective team?
Which leadership skills do you have?
Which leadership skills do you want to develop more fully?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 150 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. Support your discussion with at least two references other than the required readings.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments and questions that encourage critical thinking and insight.
BSN4017 Unit 10 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March
dq 1
Evaluating and Celebrating Teamwork
As you reflect on your work in this course, answer the following:
After reading the articles from this week’s selection, what would you say are the most critical issues nurses in your organization are facing when it comes to group dynamics and teamwork?
Based on your answer above, how can you be a force for change?
Response Guidelines
Review your classmates’ postings and respond to at least two fellow learners, using one of the following approaches:
Identify knowledge gaps or unknowns that were not considered in your classmate’s posting.
Identify an assumption on which the posting seems to be based, and pose a useful alternative or contrasting approach, based on a different assumption.
Ask a probing question.
Elaborate on a particular point.
Your response posts should be at least 150 words. If you are responding with a personal perspective or an example from your workplace experience, you are not required to cite a source. However, if you offer an alternative viewpoint or refer to the ideas or work of others in your response to your classmate, your response must be supported with an outside source which you must cite using APA style.
dq 2
Review and Reflect
A final step in each part of your BSN program is an evaluation of each course, a reflection on what you have learned, and consideration for how you can apply this new knowledge and these new skills to your professional practice.
For this discussion, write a brief evaluation of what you have learned in this course and how you will apply your new knowledge and skills to your professional career and development as a BSN–prepared nurse professional.
Identify at least two areas where you have acquired new knowledge.
Discuss how and where you might apply the new knowledge to your current (or future) nursing practice.
What have you learned about your own strengths and weaknesses in clinical judgment and systems thinking as a result of this course?
What knowledge gaps still exist related to the content in this course? How will you fill those gaps?
Write a succinct initial post of at least 300 words. Demonstrate clarity of thought and precision in writing. No references are required in this discussion.
Response Guidelines
Read the initial posts of all your peers and respond to at least two, providing comments, encouragement, and celebration for completing the course.
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