Nursing Licensing, Certifications And Exams

Licensing In Nursing

Licensing in nursing is a process of granting legal permission to qualified individuals to engage in the provision of health care services. In the nursing profession, individuals seeking licensure are required to meet the set standard as defined by the regulating agencies. Therefore, offering such services without the required license is illegal. In most cases, licenses require annual renewal in which the credentials of the license holder are regularly monitored.

Typical Requirements For Becoming A Licensed Nurse And Exam Administered

Becoming a registered nurse professional is a process that is closely monitored by the licensing body.  Nurses who wish to get license as Registered Nurses (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) have to pass one of the two-licensure examination issued by the regulatory body. Nursing Licensing

The two examination include NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN, which seek to test the competence of candidates at the entry-level. NCLEX exam tests the skills, knowledge and abilities that are essential to guarantee effective and safe nursing practices at entry level. NCSBN administers the exam through computerized system. In addition, a candidate must also be a graduate of a nursing education program approved by the licensing board.

Candidates seeking this licensure must also pass the security vetting process before they can proceed to take the mandatory examination. Other factors considered from state to state include prove of English language proficiency, good moral character and of sound mental/physical health. Nursing Licensing

Specialized Nursing Certifications

Nursing certification is availed to individuals who are registered as registered nurses, advanced clinical nurse specialist, and advanced practice nurses. Such certifications offer opportunity to a diverse list of careers available in the nursing field. Certification for RN identifies such nurses as an expert in a particular field. Examples of such specialized certifications include critical-care registered nurses and medical-surgical nurse. Nursing Licensing

Nurse registered as APN can seek certification in four different fields including Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certified Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Anesthetist, and Certified Nurse-Midwife. In addition, clinical nurse specialist are nurses who specialize in gerontology, public health, mental health and pediatrics

Professional associations within the field of nursing in USA

In the United States of America, many nursing associations have been established to meet the particular needs of each specialty. Such associations have been used as a source of career information, networking and source of other resources needed for career development.

Examples of Professional associations within the field of nursing in USA include;

Healthcare Professional Associations & Organizations

  • Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
  • Academy of Neonatal Nursing
  • ACNP- American College of Nurse Practitioners

  • ICN- International Council of Nurses
  • International Council of Nurses
  • International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care
  • International Society of Nurses in Genetics

Online Nursing Degrees

Evidence-Based Practice for Nurse Practitioners

Nursing Licensing, Certifications And Exams

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